Saturday, August 11, 2012

Count to Moshiach ben David

The GR"A instituted a count of Pekidot, once in 36 years. It is apparently meant to be a count towards the end of Moshiach ben Yosef, that is, the beginning of the period of Moshiach ben David. In view of the 288 years of Moshiach ben Yosef, there are eight Pekidot of 36 years starting with year 5501, or nine if the first, in 5501, and the last, in 5789, are counted, or seven if neither the first nor the last are counted.

It seems the Talmidim of the GR"A have been counting seven Pekidot and started with 5500. I doubt this comes from the GR"A. Perhaps he was misunderstood. For one, the GR"A knew very well that one year must be added.

When we count properly, the penultimate Pekidah was in 5753, the year that brought the Oslo accords.

The reason for the 36 years is clear now, 288 = 36*8. The Gaon spoke the truth.

עת הזמיר הגיע, עת הזמיר באה בשבע הפקידות דאתחלתא

Kol HaTor 5, 1, 10

הכרח שנשמתו של משיח תרד לעולם בעקיפין

HaTekufa HaGedola, p. 534 (Yerushalayim, 5761)